Apples Removes All Civil War Games For iOS

In Apple’s typical response of grabbing the chainsaw and going to work instead of a scalpel – they have removed all Civil War games from the iOS store. Games like Ultimate General: Gettysburg and all the Hunted Cow Civil War games are nowhere to be found. Hunted Cow has been the victim of this type of behavior from Apple before when Tank Battle 1942 was pulled for depicting Germans and Russians as enemies.

Whether you agree or disagree on the flag being flown over public places like a State Capitol or not, removing it entirely from historical contexts seems like the wrong way to go about it.

If this seems like something that could only happen in 2015, don’t forget about the game Wolfenstein in 2009. Since it’s illegal to display swastikas in Germany in ANY context, all the swastikas had to be replaced with the Wolfenstein logo, and many many things in the game were changed to avoid any kind of correlation between the enemies and the Nazi German party.


Terraria 1.3 Trailer

Redigit – the primary developer of Terraria is the new benchmark for support of a game after it’s release. Terraria, a 2d adventure game that released in 2011 is still seeing major content updates over 4 years after it’s release. While he’s said that he’s currently working on a Terraria 2, it’s obvious he hasn’t neglected the customers that put him where he is today. June 30th will see the release of Terraria 1.3 and it’s nothing short of amazing. This game – which is usually on sale for something like $2.99 on Steam is likely going to shoot back to the top of the most-played games on Steam after the update hits.

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t already have Terraria so I know he’s not updating the game to pull in new sales – sure he may get a few, but it’s got to be just a passion of his to work on the game at this point. Check it out and see for yourself. Over 800 new items, new Expert mode, new bosses, new features (Screenshot mode!), and loads more.


Fallout 4 Trailer Revealed

The Fallout 4 trailer has been released ahead of E3. It shows quite a bit of in-game footage including a dog character that, judging from the trailer, will be a companion in the game. Loads of colors and possibly set in Boston, check it out for yourself.
