Tiy over at the TerrariaOnline.com forums teased us yet again yesterday.

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Analyzing this first image we see the pink hammer obviously… whether or not it’s a player-thrown weapon or a boss thrown weapon is unclear, but it’s there… and he’s in a dungeon. He also seems to be wearing an iron type armor that looks a lot like an apron and some iron armbands. Not sure if this is just a new armor model or a new armor item.

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Analyzing the second image we definitely see a banner hanging outside of the house, a streetlamp, and new glass blocks for houses. I’m not sure if the green tinted blocks under his feet are just silver blocks or are a new type of block, but they make for a great pathway.

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In this last image we clearly see several new weapons/items in his toolbar at the top… in slot 8 is a very interesting item, a metal bell looking item. Not sure if this is a trinket or an item to summon something. There’s also a new sword mixed in there. The red eyes look to be those of a bat and looking at another image Tiy posted, it definitely seems that there will be lots of them.

This next Terraria update looks like it’s going to be a really fun one with loads of new items, zones, and creatures added… very exciting!